Amendments to the Privacy Act 1988 brought the introduction of the Australian Privacy Principles (APP’s), whereby replacing the previous National Privacy Principles (NPPs) from 14 March 2014. These amendments redefined how healthcare services can manage your information.
OccPhyz Consulting aims to protect the privacy and secure storage of your health information at all times. We require you to provide us with your personal details and full medical history so that we may properly assess, diagnose, treat and be proactive in your health care. This includes your name, contact details, Medicare number and photographic identification. All personal information in relation to your visit is kept safely and securely within our practice.
We require your written consent to collect personal information about you and to use this information provided in the following ways:
Billing purposes and administration purposes in the running of our practice
Disclosure to others involved in your healthcare
To comply with all legislative or regulatory requirements e.g. notifiable diseases
To send patient reminder letters/recalls/SMS messages/emails regarding your health care.